A citizen's access to high-quality diabetic foot care in the Nordic countries, depends strongly on where he or she lives. 
Despite governance by the same general principles and policy recommendations, local implementations of clinical best practices are often fragmented and incomplete because of a high degree of decentralisation.
Within the same country it is possible to find examples of remote rural communities with the best in multidisciplinary diabetic foot care and urban regions where the orchestration and implementation of the recommended management regimens are highly challenged.

This is the impetus for establishing The Nordic Diabetic Foot Task Force.



The aim of the Nordic Diabetic Foot symposium is to actively promote and support the systematic implementation of best practices in diabetic foot care in the Nordic countries in order to ensure diabetic foot patients access to best practice DFU care regardless of where they live.

The symposium will in particular serve two aims:

1)   Offer educational up to date information on latest best practice in various aspects of DF treatment 

2)   Set an agenda on how to move towards implementation of best practice diabetic foot care in the Nordic Countries 


Target Groups:

The primary target groups for the symposium are:

  • Representatives from multidisciplinary foot care teams at diabetic foot centers and/ or hospital units responsible for diabetic foot treatment  in each of the Nordic countries
  • Doctors and nurses within fields of orthopaedic surgery, cardiovascular surgery, endocrinology and the subspecialty of diabetology as well as wound care specialist and podiatrist 
  • Representatives from GPs organisations 
  • Policy makers and health administrators 
  • Industry representatives